I love Willie Nelson's Georgia on my mind. It always makes me feel...that's it, it just makes me feel. Don't we all have a song like that?
I love to take a bath sometimes and just lay my head back with just my nose and mouth poking out above the water and relish the silence and the muffled sound of my own breathing. THAT is peace. Toes in the grass or sand to connect to Mother Earth - head under water to connect to myself. I think that it has been too long since I've had a bath...
I love random acts of kindness. I like to believe that it restores someones faith in mankind, because it does for me. I'm kind of like Anne Frank that way. I think that for the most part people are inherently good - or really want to be.
" I still believe, in spite of everything, that people are truly good at heart.."I love to get lost in music. To put in the earphones, turn it up, close my eyes and let it take me away. It's almost like everything in the universe disappears but me.
I love to ride a horse and although I'm not supposed to, I trust that majestic creature to take us where it wants to. With my eyes closed the wind blows through my hair, the sun warms my skin and the smell of grass, trees adn the sweat of the horse surround me. It's everything that I don't have to see to know it's there. It reminds me of what faith is.
We need to remind ourselves of all the things that we love - to know that we can find happiness in the smallest of things, even if they are just a series of spuratic far between moments that we can linger in now and then. They exist and so do we.
Beautifully put, my darling.